

Monday, July 25, 2011

Crack WEP key using KisMac, aircrack-ng, and Mac OS X 10.6.8


I tried running BackTrack in VMWare Fusion. Found out VMWare creates a virtual connection from the software to the Mac, which would not allow the Mac's internal wireless card to be detected in BackTrack. I had to use the KisMAC slash aircrack-ng method. If a fix comes out later, awesome, I probably won't update this article. 7/25/2011.

Phase 1: This section contains all of the necessary tools, guides, and downloads you will require, in order to move onto Phase 2.


KisMAC Newbie Guide

Install MacPorts on Mac OS X

Install aircrack-ng on Mac OS X

Tools needed:

A) Xcode: iOS Developer University Program. Sign up for an account you choob.

I used the Mac OS X install DVD that came with my computer. Popped it in, and clicked "Optional Installs", then double clicked the Xcode package. Using Mac OS X 10.6.8. Xcode 3.2.6.

B) MacPorts: MacPorts

C) aircrack-ng: Link is the same as the install page. At this step, you need to open the Terminal. Type in, "sudo port install aircrack-ng"

D) A dictionary wordlist for aircrack-ng.


iStumbler: Optional. Very useful WiFi network scanner. iStumbler

Phase 2: This section goes into instructions of how to use Kismac with aircrack-ng. You should have everything except iStumbler installed, to continue. If you recieved an error message in any of the previous steps, I seriously advise you to stop and research it using Google.

A) Key importance of getting Kismac to run correctly is the driver setup. Start Kismac.
1. Click KisMac->Preferences.
2. Click the Driver tab.
3. My capture device is set to, "Apple Airport or Airport Extreme card, active mode."
This doesn't fly well with capturing data. Remove it.
4. I added, "Apple Airport Extreme card, passive mode"
5. Choose the channel you would like to scan.
6. On "Dump Filter," select "Keep everything"
7. Close options, start scan.

If you feel that you've already broken Kismac, close Kismac, and follow the steps below. If you are starting fresh, skip this part.


Delete these. If they are not there, fine.

~/Library/Preferences?/de.binaervarianz.kismac.plist (where '~' is your home folder)
~/Library/Preferences?/com.kismac-ng.kismac.plist (where '~' is your home folder)
~/Library/Preferences?/org.kismac-ng.kismac.plist (where '~' is your home folder)


B) To successfully retrieve the key to your network, the information I've scoured through states you will need to collect anywhere from 80,000 to 1,000,000 UniqueIV's. I dropped my network to 64 bit WEP encryption, something easy. KisMac didn't show me very many UniqueIV's, but instead, I found data and packets collected to be more helpful. I personally had better luck running the KisMac DumpLog file through to aircrack-ng to find out how much more data I needed to collect.

Once you feel you have enough data, time to start cracking! Stop the KisMac scan. Open Terminal. Type in this command:

sudo aircrack-ng -b -w



I claim no responsibility for what you do to other's or your electronic equipment. You should not use this tutorial in anyway to hack into other's equipment. If you do so, I am not held liable for your actions. This is a tutorial I've created over collective material across the internet. Use this tutorial at your own risk. If you receive an error in any step, STOP, LOOK IT UP.

If you need help, hit me up in the comments, I'll see what I can do.

Dishwasher, out.

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